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How to Be a Department Manager (201909 edition)

Release date:2024-04-29

This paper only summarizes from the perspective of how to be a good department manager, without considering the necessary qualities needed to be a good employee or a leader. The purpose is to highlight the differences between middle-level department manager (minister) and senior management and grassroots of the company. In addition, this article refers to the department manager (minister) of small and medium-sized enterprises, which is equivalent to the supervisor (section director) of large enterprises.

1 Understand your supervisor's intentions

1.1 Only a comprehensive and profound understanding of the intention of the superior can be able to integrate many discrete management points, can be able to use the company's philosophy and policy, break through the rules and regulations, and do things will not look ahead and be hindered, and the heat can be just right.

1.2 To maintain 100% consistency with superiors. The recognition of superior ideas is the recognition of the culture in which you live and the air you breathe. If there are different propositions, they can be put forward at the appropriate time, and it is enough for superiors to judge and review, if they repeatedly raise objections or even complain and play devil's advocate, it is a major taboo in work. You are not hired to prove your superiors wrong, but to carry out tasks and follow through. If you do not understand the superior's ideas, requirements and judgments, you should execute, think and experience, deepen your understanding, understand in execution, and execute in understanding.


2. Convey the superior's ideas fully and timely

Superiors' ideas, policies, requirements, and criticisms are often highly generalized words, people from different backgrounds will have different understandings, and department managers should pass 100% to their subordinates on the basis of their full understanding, without delay, without discount, and without "zero output". If the interpretation of ideas and policies is not fully and timely communicated to the grassroots, the work of the grassroots is easy to deviate, go out of shape, become a mere formality and seem to be separated.


3. Strong organizational skills

3.1 Be able to break down the company's objectives, refine work topics for the department, arrange work requirements, set work objectives, formulate work plans, and let subordinates know what they should do. If you can't do this, the department is bound to disintegrate and mess up.

3.2 When subordinates do not have the ability to work independently, they should conduct process management rather than result management, and continue to track, check, promote and correct the work of subordinates, so that they can maintain the due work progress and correct work direction.

3.3 Can build a team, gather strength, let each department member work in one direction, can motivate subordinates, eliminate negative emotions, and work with morale.

3.4 Understand priorities and be able to focus on key points. No matter how complex the external and internal situation is, how many changes, it can always clear the fog and establish a foothold.

3.5 Arrange the work of your subordinates first, and then start your own work. As one soldier bears, so will a litter. Those men's work is not arranged, only their own work, certainly not a general.

3.6 Know how to delegate. Delegation is not dumping tasks, the purpose of delegation is to allow subordinates to make independent judgments and decisions, and then improve work efficiency. Authorizers are equally responsible for results.

4. Strong communication skills

4.1 If you encounter problems and difficulties that can't be solved, you should know how to report in time, not to miss, delay or conceal. If a problem is not raised at work, it is equivalent to not treating a physical illness, which will eventually cause more serious consequences.

4.2 Good at handling conflicts between departments. For problems that need to be solved across departments, I can take the initiative to contact other departments for consultation rather than passively waiting or even escaping. If the mountain doesn't come, I'll go.

4.3 Face-to-face conversation is much more useful and efficient than cold emails or wechat messages, and it is less likely to cause misunderstandings. Face-to-face communication is encouraged unless absolutely necessary or unnecessary.


5 Don't forget to educate and inspire your subordinates

5.1 Education is to let the subordinates know their own mistakes, inspiration is the upgrading of education, is the golden key to guide the subordinates to work independently. Work should be based on actual cases, every opportunity to educate and inspire subordinates, not to educate is chaos, not to inspire is lazy.

5.2 Department managers are coaches rather than supervisors. They should take the initiative to understand and listen to the difficulties of their subordinates and help them solve real problems. To promote the continuous progress of the subordinates, only the success of the subordinates, they will succeed. If your men fail, you fail too.

5.3 Don't let problems pass easily. Employees are "smart people", department managers turn a blind eye to the problem and solve the problem, which is equivalent to default to the existence of the problem, those "smart people" immediately understand, the existence of the problem has become a matter of course.

6 Be observant and thoughtful


6.1 Dare to imagine. Have an active eye, be able to see problems and work to solve them. Finding the problem is the premise, and solving the problem is the embodiment of their own value. Only finding problems without solving them is empty talk, and empty talk misses others and itself.

6.2 Have the courage to practice. When encountering difficulties, we should have constructive opinions and put them into action, not to imitate others, not to speak in vain of hearsay and undigested strategies and concepts, department managers are managers at the tactical level, and can not solve practical problems.

6.3 Be good at summarizing. The successful experience should be summarized, and the lessons of failure should also be summarized, so as to be able to take fewer detours and get twice the result with half the effort.

7 Inspire fear in your subordinates

7.1 Be strict with yourself and lenient with others. Virtue is a good medicine to make people fear, to convince people with virtue, not by power. Only by virtue can we be respected, only by virtue can we make the people, only by gaining the support of our subordinates, and only by having a mass base.

7.2 To reward and punish clearly, be able to distinguish the good and the bad, do not be a good man, do not do no independent department manager. To indulge a bad man is to injure a good man. Similarly, ignoring good performers is tantamount to indulging poor performers.

7.3 The brotherhood with the subordinate is very important, but it is a brotherhood based on the subordinate relationship, not a brotherly relationship based on the subordinate relationship, and must not be reversed.


8 Obey the general situation

8.1 Understand the principle of co-existence and co-prosperity, failure and serious practice. The company is a whole, don't expect to be alone, don't expect to be alone, saw off your long board, patch to the short board, the bucket can hold more water, this is called concessions.

8.2 Think and act with the operator as the starting point. Only with the working position of the operator, the understanding can be suddenly enlightened, and the thought can not be tired.

9 Familiar with Services


Thought qualified, business is not good. Modern enterprises require a combination of talents, not only to be political commissars, but also to lead troops to fight. They have not experienced real business experience, no business experience, will be divorced from reality, on paper. After all, it is the level of business that ultimately improves performance.

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